The Elon book is by far one of the best reads I've ever read. The deep dive into his brain was absolutely astonishing!

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Well said, Taylor ... well said. And thank you for the comment. One other biography that is a personal favorite of mine ... a bit older and admittedly different in flavor than the Musk book, but one of my personal favorites ... is "Buffett: The Making of an American Capitalist," by Roger Lowenstein.

I've mentored a LOT of financial writers through my long (and getting longer ... lol) career ... first on the business staff of several newspapers I wrote for, and then here in the financial publishing industry ... and the Buffett book is one of the "must read" works that I share with them.

Worth a read.

So how are you doing? How's your Substack progressing? We've been ramping up here and I'm a bit behind on perusing some of my other favorites folks ... my continued best wishes to you ... and for you. Bill

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